Monday, August 1, 2011

Side Dish for Dummies

This one is fool proof. And delicious. It involves bacon. 

I knew you would like it the second I typed it out.


One fancy side to jazz up your main squeeze. Main squeeze being of the chicken, fish, or beef variety but it could also include Hunky-Dunky-Baby-Boy. Or if you're a boy, this would include your Cutie Patootie. Blah, okay enough with cute names.. on to the main event (not main course)!

Sauteed Spinach with Garlic and Bacon
You will need....

-Fresh baby spinach (a lot of it, this will cook down to half!)
-Extra virgin olive oil
-Salt & pepper to taste

First, fry up some bacon... mmm, can you smell it already? Cook through, set aside, and chop into bacon bits.

You will need a whole bunch of this.

Grab a little garlic. So flavorful. Also keeps vampires away. Sorry Edward.

Now, you're gonna need a lot of spinach. A LOT. It will cook down, trust me! Add a little kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper - the good stuff!

Give the spinach a good toss with your tongs. Tongs, not thongs. Get your mind out of the gutter. Now that we have that settled, you may throw the bacon in. And there ya have it, delicious sauteed spinach with loads of flavor. Eat your heart out, Popeye.